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Message from the Director: Bring on 2020!

Author: annober


The end of a decade and start of a new one in 2020 brings both reflection and hope. We are very proud of our student successes, faculty accomplishments, and contributions to ISU and the community in the Women’s and Gender Studies Program. Please take some time to read about these achievements below.

Campus climate issues have gained widespread attention last fall. The Women’s Studies Program is committed to creating an inclusive and safe environment with critical education for students and an engaging work environment for faculty and staff. We strongly condemn the racist, anti-Semitic, and bigoted vandalism and harassment that have occurred on campus. These hate-filled messages go against all of our values and commitment to making this an inclusive and welcoming campus. We support the students who are taking bold actions and engaging in important dialogue to address these incidents. I encourage you to stay informed about relevant communication and resolutions that include the ISU Faculty Senate, the ISU Campus Climate reports, and work by the Students Against Racism organization.

2020 promises to bring many opportunities and challenges to the WGS program and our communities. Of note are the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. (See details on the centennial website>Hard Won / Not Done.) The upcoming caucuses and primaries include a record number of women, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and people of color. Our all-Iowa student “Transforming Gender and Society” conference in April will cover these and many other issues.

In closing, I hope you found a chance to relax and rejuvenate with loved ones over the holidays. We appreciate all of the work that you do for Women’s and Gender Studies throughout the year. Please continue to support us by donating to our WGS scholarship and general funds.

To a bright and prosperous 2020!
Ann Oberhauser
Director, Women’s and Gender Studies