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Student Spotlight: Sarah Poyer

Author: annober

sarah PoyerMeet WGS major and biology minor Sarah Poyer! Sarah is a sophomore and hopes to go to medical school in hopes of becoming an OBGYN. Sarah came to ISU as an open option student. After taking WGS 201 her first semester, she declared WGS as her major! She says “learning more about intersectionality has already been so important for me, and will continue to be especially as I move to graduate school and my future profession. Understanding how different people can have different things impacting them, will allow me to be a more empathetic physician and allow me to offer better care to my patients.”
Sarah is involved with several on-campus organizations including the Larch Hall Council, Dance Marathon, Pre- Medical Club, Be the Match, and Network Against Human Trafficking. Off campus, she volunteers at a medical lending closet and works at a women’s resale store.