A Letter from the New Interim Director, Dr. Kelly Winfrey!
Author: rcooney
Author: rcooney
I am thrilled to serve as the interim director of the Women’s and Gender Studies Program. I’ve been affiliate faculty since I arrived at Iowa State in 2014, and I have admired the work of the WGS faculty and staff. Our program includes a diverse group of staff, faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students who offer expertise and experience on a range of topics related to gender. The work you’ve done and we will do together is extremely important, and I am excited to be a part of it.
My research focuses on gender and American politics, and I am well aware of the challenges women and members of the LGBTQIA+ community face in today’s climate. I also believe education is the key to making a better, safer world for all. That’s why WGS is such an important program. We can make a difference.
I’ve taught WGS/LD ST 333: Women and Leadership for eight years, and I can attest to the impact our courses can have on students’ understanding, acceptance, and advocacy. I look forward to working with everyone connected to WGS to help students understand the world around them and their place in it. We can also continue to be a safe space for expressing ideas and sharing experiences.
I want to thank Dr. Ann Oberhauser for her seven years of service directing the program. She did an amazing job, and I am honored to follow her in leading the WGS program.
To all our staff, faculty, and students- welcome back! Together we will make this an amazing year and continue to find new ways to improve the world around us.
Have a wonderful start to the new semester!
-Kelly L. Winfrey