Join us for the Women’s and Gender Studies Student Research Conference on Saturday, April 12th, 2025! This exciting event provides a platform for students to present their research on a variety of topics related to gender, sexuality, identity, and social justice. Whether you’re a researcher, advocate, or simply interested in these vital areas of study, this conference will showcase innovative work and foster meaningful discussions. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with thought-provoking presentations, network with peers and scholars, and participate in workshops aimed at furthering the impact of gender studies in academic and social spaces. Don’t miss this chance to celebrate the power of student research and contribute to shaping a more inclusive future.

2025 Women’s and Gender Studies Student Conference
This conference is open to all graduate and undergraduate students at no cost. This year, it will take place at the Iowa State University Student Innovation Center from 9 AM-4 PM. We have a lot of exciting speakers lined up, and cannot wait to learn from you! Submissions for the conference are due by Friday, March 28th at 11:59 PM.
Registration for this event is included in the proposal submission form. Anyone is welcome to attend this conference at no charge, a light breakfast and full lunch will be provided. Folks who are planning to attend the conference should register at the registration link below. If you do not plan to be present for the lunch, please indicate that on the registration form.
Please e-mail with any questions!
The conference will be in Ames, IA at the Iowa State University Student Innovation Center: 606 Bissell Rd, Ames, IA 50011
All undergraduate and graduate students from across the state of Iowa are invited to present their research as it relates to topics within gender, women’s and sexuality studies topics. Presentations can be creative works, panels, powerpoint presentations, or other formats.
This conference is open to anyone and is free to attend! The event is geared towards college students. Everyone who plans on attending must register for the event. Same day registration is allowed, but food is not guaranteed.
Presenters (individual or group) will have 15-20 minutes to present their research.
There are free lots to park in over the weekend. Make sure that the lot you park in is not a 24 hours reserved lot. The closest lots to the Innovation Center are lots 3, 8, 6 and 6A. There are also limited meter spots for a fee. The is map highlights that lots closes to the Student Innovation Center.
There is no registration cost. A light breakfast and lunch will be provided for attendees who register by April 4th. Registrants after April 4th are not guaranteed food.
Tentative WGS Spring 2025 Conference Schedule
- 8:30-9:00 AM: Registration and Breakfast
- 9:00-9:30 AM: Opening Speaker
- 9:45-11:00 AM: First Session
- 11:15 AM-12:30 PM: Second Session
- 12:30-1:15 PM: Lunch Break
- 1:15-2:15 PM: Keynote Speaker
- 2:30-3:45 PM Third Session

Opening Speaker – Dr. Terah (TJ) Stewart
Terah J. Stewart, PhD (he/him) is a graduate faculty member and an Associate Professor of Higher Education and Student Affairs at Iowa State University. He is also a faculty affiliate with Women and Gender Studies and the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching. His research and writing focus on people, populations, and ideas that are hypermarginalized and/or those who have stigmatized identities, including college students engaged in sex work and erotic labor, fat students on campus/fatphobia and sizeism in postsecondary contexts, and identity-based student activism. He also engages conceptual and empirical work on antiblackness in non-black communities of color. His work centers critical disruptive onto-epistemological frameworks and theories to destabilize dominant ways of knowing and being, including Black/endarkened. feminist, womanist, and afropessimist perspectives.

Keynote Speaker – Pidgeon Pagonis
Pidgeon Pagonis (they/them) has worked for over a decade as an intersex advocate, speaker, consultant, photographer, and filmmaker to shed light on the human rights violations endured by intersex people. Their goal is to help end the non-consensual irreversible medical procedures meant to discipline unruly intersex bodies. Pidgeon’s accessible advocacy helps people complicate their preconceived binary notions about “biological differences”. Their work has been essential for those who want to show up for intersex people in their lives, but aren’t sure where to start.
Whether advancing the intersex cause as the co-founder of the Intersex Justice Project (IJP), co-producing viral informational videos, creating art that centers intersex voices, appearing on the cover of National Geographic “Gender Revolution” special issue, or being honored as an LGBT Champion of Change in by the Obama White House, Pidgeon has staked out a place at the fore of debates on intersexuality.