The 2023 Women’s and Gender Studies Conference : Building Solidarity. Envisioning Justice was held April 15, 2023 at the Student Innovation Center at Iowa State University. The conference took place from 9am – 4pm.
Women’s and Gender Studies 2023 Conference
8:30am-9:00am: Conference Registration and Breakfast, SIC Lobby
9:00am-9:30am: Welcome-RM 0114
Dr. Kelly Winfrey (she/her), Interim Director of WGS, ISU
Nehal Sankaranthi (they/she), WGS Student Conference Intern, ISU
Max Mowitz (they/he), Opening Speaker
Program Director, One Iowa
9:45am -11:00am: Session 1-Full Abstract
1A: (Dis)placing Violence, RM 0114, Moderator: Dr. Abby Dubisar
- Hayley Carson (she/they), “Comparative Incarceration of Trans* Women,” Grinnell College
- Anna Olson (she/her), “An Evaluation of Violence Against Muslim Women,” Iowa State University
- Ekta Shaikh (she/they), “When the Subaltern Speaks,” Grinnell College
1B: Revealing Inaccessibility in Education, RM 2206, Moderator: Dr. Lucia Suarez
- Sara Elkhatib, Justin Grawe (he/him), Jaiden Jarmosco (she/her), “Food Security for On-Campus College Students,” Iowa State University
- Olivia Garcia (she/her), Olivia Holstein (she/her), Ryn Jahn (they/she), Emily March (she/her), Sydney Roberts (she/her), “How Food Insecurity Impacts the Mental Health and Academic Performance of School Children in Single-Mother Households.” Iowa State University
- Paul Hengesteg (he/him), “The Experiences of Gay Men Faculty at Midwestern Liberal Arts Colleges: Research-in-Progress,” Iowa State University
- Phil Tyne (he/they), “Turning to the Archives: Searching for Disabled Representation,” Grinnell College
1C: Liberating Trans* Experience, RM 3204, Moderator: Dr. Cassandra Collier
- Theodora Hadley (she/her), “Recognition Is the Misrecognition We Can Bear:’ Agency, Temporality, and Cruel Optimism in Stone Butch Blues,” Grinnell College
- Fynn Wadsworth (he/him), “Self-Made Man,” Central College
11:15am-12:30pm: Session 2-Full Abstracts
2A: Feelings in Public, RM 0114, Moderator: Dr. Clara Montague
- Makenna Brunson (they/she), “Okay, But Was It Good?”: Conversations on Sex and How They Impact Our Relationships,” Iowa State University
- Faith Ennis (she/her),“The Creation of Women: Environment’s Affect on Female Feelings in 19th-Century British Literature, Iowa State University
- Brittany Linch (she/her), “Gender, Shame and Secrets,” Iowa State University
- Alex Peralta Cornejo (he/they), “Culture and Desire: Does It Come from ‘Inside’?”, University of Iowa
2B: Literary Desires, RM 2206, Moderator: Dr. Valerie Billing
- Madeline Baird (she/they), “The Sapphic Gaze: Constructions of Identity and Environment in Sappho’s Language,”Iowa State University
- Grae Digmann-Pearson (they/them), “Sensuality, Sodomy, and the Subversion of Heteronormative Ideals in ‘Dracula,’” Central College
- William Donaldson (he/him), “Foregrounding David,” Grinnell College
2C: Medicine: Missing in Action, RM 3204, Moderator: Dr. Leah Allen
- Celia Meagher (she/they), “The Influence of Visible Identity on Bedside Manner: A Study on Perceived Queerness, Neurodivergence, and Femininity in the Medical System,” Grinnell College
- Andres Restrepo-Sanchez (he/him), “Obstetric Violence and Sex Work in Medellin, Colombia,” University of Iowa
- Kayley Rönnkvist (she/her), “LGBTQ+ Aging in Policy and Practice,” Grinnell College
12:30pm-1:15pm: Lunch, SIC Lobby
Lunch will be picked up in the SIC Lobby at 12:30pm
1:30pm-2:45pm: Session 3-Full Abstract
3A: Imagining Justice, RM 2206, Moderator: Dr. Kelly Winfrey
- Alisa Barzellone, Jenna Gilliam (she/her), Will Walker (he/they), April (Ace) Weber (they/them), “Queer Urbanism: Planning for Inclusivity in Midwestern Cities,” Iowa State University
- Madison Mason (she/they), “Building Your Activist Toolbelt,” Iowa State University
- Nicole Trip (she/they), “Lesbian Crash Course,” University of Northern Iowa
3B: Mediating Gender and Sexuality, RM 3204, Moderator: Dr. Ann Oberhauser
- Kyle Bikowski (he/him), “Inverting “Fag Discourse”: How Gaymers in Mexico Use Memes About “Los FIFAs” to Critique Chauvinistic Masculinity ” University of Iowa
- Cara Dulin (she/her), “The Economics of Beauty,” University of Iowa
- Carter Piagentini (he/him), “Sexuality and Confinement,” Central College
3:00pm-4:00pm: Keynote Address
Olivia Garcia (she/her), WGS Student Conference Intern, ISU
Courtney Reyes (she/her), Keynote Address
Executive Director of One Iowa and One Iowa Action, ISU Alumni
Photo Gallery
Max Mowitz, One Iowa Program Director, giving their opening talk.
Max Mowitz, One Iowa Program Director, giving their opening talk.
Students presenting throughout the day
Students presenting throughout the day
Students presenting throughout the day
Students presenting throughout the day
Students presenting throughout the day
Students presenting throughout the day
Keynote speaker, Courtney Reyes, One Iowa Executive Director